Archive for April, 2010

Tessa Emme Wood

Okay, I know, she’s almost 4 months old, but better late than never…

Tessa was born Saturday January 9 at 7.29 am. She weighed 6 lbs 13 oz and was 19 inches tall. The C-Section went as planned and it was a great experience. The spinal wasn’t a big deal (I have to admit I was kind of scared of it). Hearing Tessa’s cry after she came into this world was the best sound ever. Her heartbeat was a little too fast so she spent most of the morning in the nursery. They did some X-rays and blood tests, but it turned out to be some fluid in her lungs. She was brought to our room a little before noon. It was the best feeling to be able to hold her. We weren’t able to hold Malena until she was at Primary Hospital and I didn’t see her until 2 days after she was born, so to hold Tessa was an amazing feeling. She looked so tiny. Early afternoon we got our first visitors, Will and my parents. Will was extremely proud and happy. It was great to have my parents here (my dad was able to stay for a week and my mom stayed for 4 weeks after Tessa was born. We stayed 3 nights in the hospital and went home Tuesday.

Tessa has been doing really well at home. She started sleeping long hours through the night almost from the get-go. There have only been a few nights that I would like to forget, so we feel really lucky. Will is a great big brother and gives Tessa kisses all the time. We have to keep an eye on him at all times because he likes to pick Tessa up and walk around with her (a little scary). But he does really well.

Below are Tessa’s stats from birth, her 2 week appointment and her 2-month appointment.

Weight % Length % Head circumf %
At birth 6 lbs 13 oz 19 inches 13.5
2-weeks old 7 lbs 5 oz 20.66 20 inches 40.72 14.2 55.36
2-months old 10 lbs 7 oz 40.62 22 inches 35.33 15.2 53.79

And some more pictures…

(there are a lot, sorry, i had some catching up to do!)

Right after she was born.

All cleaned up.

First time holding Tessa.

Proud big brother!

Oma & Tessa

First time tipping her toes in the “big” bath.

First time in her own bath!

Playing with papa.

Sliding down the driveway.

Going down the slide with Will.

Easter breakfast!

Wearing a sweater knitted by oma.

Making funny faces with Will.

I like to help mama make dinner!

Hiking Big Springs.


Who needs a “fopspeen” anyway?!?