Archive for October, 2011


Remember this picture?

Trevor took it last year at the Spiral Jetty.

He entered it into the 2011 Fall Photography and Digital Art Show at the Utah County Art Gallery.

And he won!

Not just an honorable mention.

He got 2nd place in Photography!

His pictures (he also submitted another one) are hanging at the Health & Justice Building in Provo.

You can go check them out, as all the other submissions, until Thursday November 17th.

There was an award ceremony a few Fridays ago.

The jurors’ comment was:

“Strong composition; soft focus, very appropriate for title; has a nice sense of story telling that leads the viewer in mentally just as the spiral jetty pulls you in physically; strong technically.  Good use of contrast in intensity as well as flow.  Liked the apparent early photographic process.”

I am so proud of my talented guy!


P.S. They have several art shows at the Utah County Art Gallery each year, also for kids. For more information go to


Happy 3rd Birthday

You’re always in our thoughts.