Archive for November, 2010

Halloween Party – 2

Will’s school had a bit of a surprise for their Halloween Party;

KSL’s Chopper 5 came by for an item on Westmore’s Reading Program.

The kids were able to take a quick look at the chopper. After that they had their class parties.

On Saturday we went Trick or Treating with the Aaron’s. It is so much more fun to go with cousins.

And they live in a neighborhood with more houses, thus more loot!! No wonder Will wants to go there.

We didn’t get any Trick-or-Treaters at our house, so for a few days our candy jar was overflowing.

(Un)fortunately, we have had no trouble emptying it.

Butterfingers, anyone?!


On this cold and wet day…

… some pictures of the kids playing at the park.

Pictures were taken last Saturday at Pioneer Park in SLC, when the weather was still nice.

Contrary to what the pictures show, Tessa was enjoying it.