Hello world!

Since it seems to be hard to stay in touch with family and friends, we thought it was a good idea to start a Wood Family blog. Will’s blog will stay the place to read about crazy and funny things about him, Malena’s blog will be updated with some pictures of her, and hopefully sometime soon Trevor will go online with his Photography blog.

Here we go!

  1. #1 by Stephanie on February 24, 2009 - 10:22 am

    yay!! i am so happy you have this up and running.

  2. #2 by Jos van Gemert on February 25, 2009 - 10:08 am

    Hi Mayke, Trevor and Will,

    Nice to have this contact opportunity. Now we can follow your adventures even in the Netherlands. Oma and I are looking forward to every new blog and cannot wait until we can give all a big knoefel.

    Groetjes en kusjes

  3. #3 by tante karin on March 4, 2009 - 2:15 am

    Hoi Mayke, Trevor en Wiil,

    Wat leuk om jouw foto’s te zien en te hebben. Ik heb ze al bij jullie thuis gezien, wat waren ze mooi.
    Ik hoop dat het goed met jullie gaat,

    love and kisses,

    ome Frank, tante Karin, Anke en Bart

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