In the summertime…

We have been busy these last several weeks. I was a little apprehensive of the summer vacation, this being the first time as a stay-at-home mom. So I had crafted this schedule to keep us sane and happy. The plan was to do one field trip a week and lots of playing with friends and cousins. We also got season passes for Seven Peaks, which made Will very happy. And so far, after the first 4 weeks, things are going pretty good. I still enjoy being at home (I do a lot more than I expected). It is great to be able to watch Tessa grow up and form her personality, and to see Will interact with her. He is a great big brother. I have to admit, I do have my moments (okay, days) that things don’t go well and Trevor comes home to a messy, dusty house, 2 cranky kids and a wife who …, well let’s say I am surprised that he comes home the next day as well. He is so good to let me rant about the day to him. He now expects the first 20 minutes to be like that. I miss adult interaction, even though we have the best neighbors and we hang out and talk. I miss the feeling of accomplishment after finishing a project at work. I miss some of the stress that work brings along. And I still have not gotten used to all the work at home. When I was still working we didn’t feel the need to have the house spic and span at all times. That pile of washed laundry didn’t really need to be folded, we could find things to wear in there. But now… now I feel I should at least try. And here I am typing this post while the dishwasher is full of clean dishes, the laundry pile still exists, there is dust EVERY where (part of that is to blame on the wind and sand in our yard), the bathrooms really need a good cleaning and the vacuum cleaner hasn’t seen daylight in a while. And I feel bad. I know I shouldn’t. Because I am having a good time with the kids. And that is more important. But I still feel bad. Bad that dinner isn’t always ready when Trevor comes home. Bad that the neighbor kids made circles in the dust on the tv-stand. Bad that I am still here typing while I really should go do those things on my list. I make lists. Trevor hates it. It always gives me such a feeling of accomplishment when I can cross things of those lists. Unfortunately there aren’t many crosses on this week’s list. YET! Because maybe today is the day. I am trying to get Will to help, at least while Tessa is napping. THE perfect time to do chores. (But also THE perfect time to read that book…) I guess Trevor can let you know what I chose when he comes home. He doesn’t really care. (I am lucky!!) He just wants us to have a good day. Me and the kids. And if that involved staying at the pool the whole day or having cleaned, it doesn’t matter to him. (Did I already say that I am lucky!?!)

And here I am, typing, trying to get some inspiration on where to start today. Maybe just with the first thing on that list of mine. And then slowly those crosses will follow.

Thanks for listening! Pictures of all the fun things we have done so far (and maybe of us cleaning) will follow. I should put that on my list as well…

  1. #1 by oma on June 30, 2010 - 12:55 pm

    Do not worry, Opa and I are coming over in August en alles komt goed. Geniet van je kindjes en als wij er zijn kunnen we dingen van je lijstje schrappen. Hou je taai!!!! xxxjes

  2. #2 by Trevor on June 30, 2010 - 1:43 pm

    If I didn’t know better I’d think you were trying to butter me up for something… It better not involve one of your lists! 😉

  3. #3 by kristi on June 30, 2010 - 6:59 pm

    I think that you are doing a great job. You’ll find that it is possible to keep the house clean and the kids happy along with some time with yourself. You’ll be surprised how quickly the years go by. It is good that you are choosing to enjoy them/

  4. #4 by Opa on June 30, 2010 - 11:22 pm

    He Maik,
    Being a good mom for Will and Teske, being a good wife for Trever has to be on the list every day. So you only need one point to finish every day and you have don the most important thing for that day. Life is short so I suggest point 3 on you list is 30 minutesfor Mayke. Point 4 on your list….. Hope you have some space left on your list for all those other things.

    See you in August, Hope Oma and I are allowed to make the list for a few days a little shorter, so you can do all those other things!!!!!!!

    Een glimlach kost weinig en brengt veel

    Opa Jos

  5. #5 by Ellen on July 1, 2010 - 7:16 am

    ik vind dat je het geweldig doet!!! ik kan alleen maar hopen dat als ik later “groot” ben, het mij ook zo goed lukt!!!
    ik hou van jullie en mis jullie allemaal al weer veel te veel!!!

  6. #6 by Opa on August 3, 2010 - 9:18 am

    Hi Mayke, now month later and one month more experiance how are things going. Do you find the time to share and to enjoy husband and kids. Every day a little step and you made a jump at the end of the week. Think about what is happening in one year from now. XXXXXXXXXX

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