Easter 2011

I am a little ashamed to admit it, but for us Easter is one of those last-minute holidays.

Back in the Netherlands we don’t have an Easter Bunny bringing goodies, and in the Catholic church it pretty much rivals Christmas in importance. I used to work at the bakery in a grocery store on Saturdays and the Saturday before Easter was busier than the day before Christmas.

This year we colored eggs the night before and the Easter Bunny had some last minute shopping to do. He opted for Easter cookies in stead of chocolate bunnies, which Will thought was a little weird. And the chocolate eggs weren’t his favorite brand (he prefers Hershey’s over Dove, we need to work on that!).

But other than that we had a great day. We had a great breakfast. Kris had invited us over for a yummy dinner and the kids got to go egg hunting in her yard. Luckily Granny and Grampy made sure the Easter Bunny had stuffed his eggs with Hershey kisses, Cadbury eggs and Rolo’s. (Mom and Dad are very grateful!)

  1. #1 by kristi on April 28, 2011 - 8:56 am

    Love the Easter cookies. Sounds like a great day.

  2. #2 by Ellen on April 28, 2011 - 9:37 am

    Met de curry uit de nl!!!

  3. #3 by oma on April 29, 2011 - 2:01 am

    Looks like you had a yummy breakfast, and the way Will and Tessa are looking, Tessa licking her lips is so cute.

  4. #4 by Ome Peter on April 29, 2011 - 7:36 am

    I like the picture with Trevor,Tessa &Will.

  5. #5 by Shannon Aaron on April 29, 2011 - 9:46 pm

    Adie loves the Magic Treehouse books, too. Love Trevor’s bedhead!

  6. #6 by Dana Bell on May 2, 2011 - 10:42 pm

    Nice hair T-Dawg

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